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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Top 5 Reads Revisited!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Life Changing and Regret Reading!

Wonderful: The Justice Game (Geoff Robertson - famous Aussie QC.)
Not quite life-changing, but for me was very inspiring at the time of finishing uni and seeing somethin in the law apart from corporate money making and risk management. Fantastic witty author wife - Kathy Lette. Robertson born in Australia, came to London in 1970. Brilliant autobiographical piece about his early years in England. He made his name as the fearless defender of Oz magazine at the celebrated trial and went on to engage in some of the most newsworthy cases in recent history. He has defended John Stonehouse, Cynthia Payne, Salman Rushdie, Kate Adie, Arthur Scargill, Daniel Sullivan, Gay News, 'The Romans of Britain', 'Niggaz with Attitude'. Also discusses (relatively) recent cases including the defence of a West London gym owner against the Prince of Wales, the Matrix Churchill affair, and the defence of the Guardian in the cash-for-questions affair. Surprisingly incredibly funny, easy reading, and engaging.

How to be Good (Nick Hornby)
According to her own moral calculations, Katie Carr, the main character, has earned her affair. She has an affair and asks her partner for a divorce. She's a doctor, and doctors are decent people, and her husband David is the "Angriest Man" in Holloway. When David suddenly becomes good, Katie's sums no longer add up, and she is forced to ask herself some questions. Difficult relationship to read about - self-obsessed WASPS. Disappointing from Hornby.

Biography and Love


Historical and Enlightenment


Crime and Nostalgia


Travel and Humour

A Single Tear
It's an autobiography by a chinese academic of his experiences of being shunted around the country and his experience generally during Mao's regime and beyond 1976. Fabulous read, not strictly a 'travel book', but fascinating insight into Maoist China and the accompanying social and agrarian revolution.

2. As for LAUGHTER, you can't beat Billy about Billy Connolly written by his wife Pamela Stevenson. Fantastic book - starts with the abuse he sustained during childhood in Scotland and develops through his adulthood and parenthood. I'm not doing it justice, but it's a brilliant read, hysterically funny at times, and well written.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Top 5 Reads

1. Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Most romantic book ever.

2. J Edgar Hoover Biography
Most fascinating expose of 20th century US political and legal history.

3. Harry Potter (JK Rowling)
Ok that's sad, but unfortunately i haven't been reading too much quality over the last few months.

4. Robert Ludlem
All of his stuff - trashy boy-type thrillers.

5. Kim Beazley BiographyOK, also a bit sad but was fascinating.